Quick Question: Who needs my support?
Quick Question
Here is today's quick question for you...Who needs my support?
Ask it when you're...
Navigating change—Thinking about ways to help others can be incredibly helpful when navigating change. It creates an external perspective and distracts us from our own situation.
In between projects - Unexpected free time is great - except if it coincides with a high workload for our colleagues. Jumping in to help can be a surprise lifesaver for our team members.
Sensing stress - Whether working remotely or in person, we often feel the stress of those around us through changes in their behaviours, reactions and productivity levels.
Listen for...
As leaders, one of our greatest responsibilities is ensuring our team (and our colleagues) feel supported.
Try to listen for:
Silence - Sometimes we ask a question that is just too hard for the listener to answer. That’s a good sign they might need a little extra help.
Confusion - If you’re receiving vague, unclear or incomplete responses, it may be a sign that they are feeling overwhelmed.
Fast-talking—When the pace of language is unusually fast, a few well-placed questions could help slow them down and refocus their attention.
This question helps identify pivotal moments that direct our attention (and our team’s) to the things that matter most.
Follow up with...
Sometimes, the greatest value comes from the one extra question you take the time to ask.
In this situation, you could try…
What would be helpful?
What can we be certain about?
What is the most important thing for you to do right now?
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