Quick Question: What would have to be true?

Quick Question

Here is today's quick question for you...What would have to be true…?

Ask it when you're...

  1. Testing the viability of a new strategy - when assessing a new strategic path, it is helpful to identify the set of assumptions that would need to be proven correct before committing to a decision

  2. Deciding between 2 highly qualified candidates  - when equally qualified candidates apply for a high-priority role, it can be used to differentiate between the two

  3. Questioning yourself - when you have quickly formed a view and want to take a step back and challenge your own decision process

Listen for...

This question is, in essence, a test of believability. It can be divided into two parts: what I would have to believe and how likely I am to believe it.

Try to listen for:

  • The voice in your head - is it saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ when you consider the set of beliefs

  • The experiences described by trusted colleagues - what have they seen before that can inform your judgement?

  • Biases in your team’s assessment that might prematurely shut down a new direction.

As the question is answered, articulate your position and explicitly acknowledge any changes as new information becomes available.

Follow up with...

Sometimes, the greatest value comes from the one extra question you take the time to ask.

In this situation, you could try…

  • How does our perspective today differ from yesterday?

  • How confident are we in our new beliefs? 

  • What is the risk if we are wrong?

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